Written by Kaki West
If you read my blog, you know that I love Bio-Oil. This unique product is great for getting rid of scars, stretch marks, and uneven skin tones. But a growing number of consumers (including myself) are discovering that you can use this product for a whole lot more than what the creators intended it for. Here are a few unique reasons to use Bio-Oil that you might not have known about.
Soothe an itchy scalp. Does your scalp get itchy? Many people have itchy scalps at some point in their lives, especially after using a variety of hair products for photo shoots. If you suffer from a dry, itchy scalp, consider rubbing some Bio-Oil to treat the area.Bio-Oil canhelp get rid of the itching and take away flakes.
Moisturize your body. Even though it’s designed to get rid of stretch marks and scars, Bio-Oil is a great moisturizer. In fact, I use it in the shower as a whole body moisturizer (see Kaki West images). If you don’t want to use it on your entire body, consider healing extra dry area such as elbows, knees, and cracked heels.
Kaki West is a model, actress, and television host. To see the latest Kaki West pics, visit her blog now.